Solar Proton Events
Solar flares affect the intensity and spectral composition of solar radiation. In the region of intense
solar flares, energetic charged particles (mainly protons and electrons) are formed that reach the
Earth's orbit a few hours after the outburst (solar proton events).
Data on the increase of proton fluxes in near-Earth space for 1970-2011 collected and systematized
in a unified format in the catalogues of solar proton events (SPE).
These catalogues include SPE in which the maximum proton flux with energy E ≥ 10 MeV
exceeds the value 1 см-2с-1ср-1 (pfu).
The entire series of catalogues is aimed at collection, systematisation and uniform presentation of
information about solar proton events.
Catalogues can be used as SPE reference books, as sources of primary information for searching for the statistical
and physical regularities of this phenomenon and for studying the physical processes associated with the acceleration
and propagation of solar particles.
Based on these Catalogues, it is possible to study the geophysical effects of SPE, to develop methods for assessing
and predicting the radiation hazard of space flights, and to solve other problems of an applied nature.
These Catalogues were prepared by representatives of a number of scientific research institutions of the Russian Federation,
united in a specially created in 1980 working group "Catalog" by the decision of the section "Diagnostics and forecasting
of solar proton events" of the Council "Physics of Solar-Terrestrial Relations" of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Series of catalogues in pdf format:
1. S.T.Akiniyan, G.A.Bazilevskaya, V.N.Ishkov, L.I.Miroshnichenko, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova,
I.Ye.Pogodin, A.I.Sladkova, V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok
Catalogue of solar proton events 1970-1979.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, USSR Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN),
Moscow, 1983.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-P-002
2. G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, V.N.Ishkov, L.I.Miroshnichenko, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova,
A.I.Sladkova, A.G.Stupishin, V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok
Catalogue of energy spectra of solar proton events 1970-1979.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, USSR Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN),
Moscow, 1986.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-P-003
3. G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, V.N.Ishkov, L.I.Miroshnichenko, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova,
A.I.Sladkova, A.G.Stupishin, V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok
Solar Proton Events Catalogue 1980-1986.
Plots of the time profiles and energetic spectra of protons, synoptic charts and schemes of sunspot groups.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
World Data Center B, Soviet Geophysical Committee, Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
Moscow, 1990.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-P-004
4. G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, V.N.Ishkov, L.I.Miroshnichenko, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova,
A.I.Sladkova, A.G.Stupishin, V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok
Solar Proton Events Catalogue 1980-1986.
Data on particles and electromagnetic emission.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Materials of the World Data Center B, Soviet Geophysical Committee, Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
Moscow, 1989.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-P-005
5. A.I.Sladkova, G.A.Bazilevskaya, V.N.Ishkov, M.N.Nazarova, N.K.Pereyaslova, A.G.Stupishin,
V.A.Ulyev, I.M.Chertok
Catalogue of solar proton events 1987-1996.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Moscow State University,
Moscow, 1998.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-P-006
6. Yu.I.Logachev, G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, E.I.Daibog, V.N.Ishkov, L.L.Lazutin, L.I.Miroshnichenko,
M.N.Nazarova, I.E.Petrenko, A.G.Stupishin, G.M.Surova, O.S.Yakovchuk
List of solar proton events in the 23 cycle of solar activity 1996-2008.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Moscow, 2016.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-P-001
7. Yu.I.Logachev, G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.V.Vashenyuk, E.I.Daibog, V.N.Ishkov, L.L.Lazutin, L.I.Miroshnichenko,
M.N.Nazarova, I.E.Petrenko, A.G.Stupishin, G.M.Surova, O.S.Yakovchuk
Catalogue of solar proton events in the 23rd cycle of solar activity 1996-2008.
Edited by Yu.I.Logachev,
Moscow, 2016.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-P-001

8. Yu.I.Logachev, G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.I.Daibog, E.A. Ginzburg, V.N.Ishkov, L.L.Lazutin, M.D. Nguen,
G.M.Surova, N.A. Vlasova, O.S.Yakovchuk
List of Solar Proton Events in the 24 Cycle of Solar Activity 2009-2019.
Moscow, 2022.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-P-007

9. Yu.I.Logachev, G.A.Bazilevskaya, E.I.Daibog, E.A. Ginzburg, V.N.Ishkov, L.L.Lazutin, M.D. Nguen,
G.M.Surova, N.A. Vlasova, O.S.Yakovchuk
Catalog of Solar Proton Events in the 24 Cycle of Solar Activity 2009-2019.
Moscow, 2022.
doi: 10.2205/ESDB-SAD-008