Geophysical   Center   of   the   Russian   Academy   of   Sciences  -  GS RAS
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Main Page   >   Data   >   Geomagnetic Variations   >   Hourly Mean Values   > Metadata Catalogue

Hourly Mean Values of the Geomagnetic Field Elements

Hourly mean values of the Earth's magnetic field elements recorded by the geomagnetic observatories of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Data is presented as separate files containing data for the year, on FTP-server in WDC Format and ih IAGA2002 Data Exchange Format .

Data in DataBase "Geomagnetism" in WDC, IAGA2002 и CSV formats.

WDC Format Description           IAGA2002 Format Description

List of geomagnetic observatories and data availability

During the implementation of the project "Preservation of old data" in the WDC on STP, transformation of the tables of hourly mean values of the geomagnetic field elements into electronic form is carried out by scanning paper documents and creation of documents in the PDF format.

Hourly mean values - Tables in PDF format.

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