Geophysical   Center   of   the   Russian   Academy   of   Sciences  -  GS RAS
World Data System                              WDCs in Russia                                               

Internet Addresses of Institutes, Centers, WDCs and Observatories

Geomagnetic Variations

  • Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation Russian Academy of Sciences -

  •       Space Weather Predictiont Center, IZMIRAN.

  •       Real-time data from the observatory "Moscow": magnetic field variations and K indices.

  •       IZMIRAN Geophysical data.

  •       Database of geomagnetic observatories in Russia 1984-2000.

  • Institute of Applied Geophysics named after academician E.K. Fedorova - IPG.

  •       IPG Heliogeophysical Center.

  •       Space weather today and possible effects.

  •       Values of the magnetic field components at the station "Elektrougli".

  •       Three-hour K-indices for the last 7 days by station "St. Petersburg", "Murmansk", "Amderma",
                "Novosibirsk", "Dikson", "Khabarovsk", "Tiksi", "Moscow".

  •       Geomagnetic situation over the past week.

  •       Space weather review.

  • Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute - AARI.

  •       Geophysical data - real-time data from polar Russian observatories.

  • Russian-Ukrainian Geomagnetic Data Center, GC RAS, Moscow.

  • World Data Centre for Geomagnetism, Edinburgh, Scotland.

  • World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto, Japan.

  • World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • World Data Centre for Geomagnetism, Mumbai, India.

  • World Data Centre for Geophysics, Beijing, China.

  • World Data Centre for Space Weather, Sydney, Australia.

  • World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development, Kyiv, Ukraine.

  • NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, USA - NCEI, formerly NGDC.

  •       Solar-Terrestrial Physics.

  •       Geomagnetism.

  •       Space Weather.

  • International Service of Geomagnetic Indices - ISGI.

  • GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam.

  • INTERMAGNET - International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network.

  • International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - IAGA.

  • International Geomagnetic Reference Field - IGRF.

  • Data of the geomagnetic observatory Kiruna in real time, Sweden.

  • Ebro Observatory Bulletin - Geomagnetic observations at Ebro Observatory (Spain) and on Livingston Island, Antarctica.

  • Geomagnetism Canada - Earth's magnetic field, magnetic data, plots, calculators and Canadian observatories.

  • International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects - IMAGE.
  • Main PageDataForecastsReferencesContacts

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