Km, Kn and Ks Indices of Geomagnetic Activity
Kn and Ks indices characterize the planetary perturbation of the
magnetic field in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively.
Кm index characterizes the average planetary disturbance.
The three-hour indices Kn and Ks are calculated from the values of K index defined on
observatories, fairly well distributed in latitude and longitude in the northern and southern hemispheres.
The observatories are grouped into groups representing the longitude sectors in one of the hemispheres
(5 in the northern and 4 in the southern hemispheres) so that the average magnetic longitudes
of each group are almost equally spaced from each other.
K indices are standardized relative to distances from observatories to auroral zones (latitude).
The average standardized K index of each sector is converted to the equivalent amplitude
and weighted (in longitude) mean values and these amplitudes an and as for each hemisphere
are converted back to Kn and Ks indices.
Km index is obtained as the average value of Kn and Ks.
The indices Km, Kn and Ks are expressed in the same units as Kp
Km, Kn и Ks indices from 1983
Data Format.