Location of the Okhotsk Sea Geotraverse

Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
World Data Center for Solid Earth Physics

The Geotraverse Project

The Okhotsk Sea Geotraverse


V. B. Piip

Moscow State University, Russia, piipvalentina@hotmail.com

Introduction   |   Method of interpretation   |   Designations
Kuril Trench   |   Kuril Basin   |   Sakhalin and Tatar Strait
Horizontal velocity map-slice   |   Cross-section of the Earth Crust along Geotraverse


Structure of the Crust at the region of the geotraverse was received from reinterpretation of data of 11 Deep Seismic Sounding profiles that are disposed at the area of geotraverse and neighboring areas. Seven from the profiles - 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29 and 30 - are located near shores of Sakhalin. Institute of Earth Physics and Sakhalin Integrated Institute carried out the seismic works along these profiles in 1963 - 1964 years. Four profile - 1M, 1O, 6M and 6O - are disposed in region of Kuril Trench and Kuril Basin. The seismic measurements along them were made in the period of International Geophysical Year in 1958 - 1959 by Institute of Physics of Earth of Academy of Sciences of USSR. The seismic works were made at most high level for that time. Over 20 profiles were investigated in that period.
Fig.1    Map of location of deep seismic sounding profiles at the geotraverse region
Map of location of Deep 
Seismic Sounding profiles at the geotraverse region

Interpretation of the data fulfilled in that time had served by basis for studying of geological structure of the region (   Structure ...,   1964  ). Travel time curves of first arrivals along the profiles were published in   Structure ...,   1964     Deep ...,   1971  . Now they have been digitized and reinterpreted using new 2-D computer technique . Length of the lines varies from 250 to 750 km. Detailed cross- sections have been obtained down to 30 - 60 km depth. The new seismic cross- sections correspond to old ones in depth of major boundaries and velocity values in average only. Blocks of subducted oceanic plate and relic subduction zone are distinguished in the seismic cross-sections and in the velocity maps of the region.

Method of interpretation

The method of homogeneous functions was used for reinterpretation. This 2-D interpretation method and computer program "Godograf" were worked out in Moscow State University (   Piip,   1984  ;   Piip,   1991  ). Method is based on local approximation of real velocity fields by homogeneous functions of two coordinates. It allows receiving automatically 2-D inhomogeneous velocity fields defined in the nets of rectangle grid of maximal size 250x 100 in cross-sections. Cross-sections are drawn as field of velocity contours with constant interval (usually 0.1 - 0.2 km/s). Seismic boundaries and faults are seen in those cross-sections. Interpreter distinguishes them. Such representation of cross-sections allows easy constructing of horizontal velocity depth maps - slices if several seismic profiles were interpreted in the area. It is no need any initial model for this interpretation technique therefore the received cross-sections are maximal objective. Ray tracing method had verified reliability of them.


For continental crust: For oceanic crust:
A is first layer of upper crust,
granite layer (V= 6.0 - 6.5 km/s).
B is second layer of upper crust
(V= 6.5 -7.0 km/s).
C is lower crust (V= 7.0 -8.0 km/s).
I, II and III are first, second and third layers.
M is upper mantle.
L are zones of anomalous mantle.
Thin lines are velocity contours received automatically.
Bold lines (or dash lines) design the faults and seismic boundaries.

Kuril Trench

Two parallel profiles 6O and 1O cross the Kuril Trench. The seismic cross-sections along them are shown here.

Fig.2    Seismic cross- sections along two parallel profiles 1M - 1O (below) and 6M - 6O (above).
The same structures we can see in the cross-sections. System of observation is more detailed for profile 1M - 1O. S1 indicates a location of subduction zone. Contour interval is 0.2 km/s. Vertical exaggeration is 4:1
Seismic cross-sections along two parallel profiles 
1M - 1O and 6M - 6O Legend
More detailed view of seismic cross-section

Main structures of subduction zone are distinguished in the cross- sections. These are accretion prism, subducting third layer of oceanic slab, hanging wing of subduction zone. Also complex structure of frontal part of accretion prism is seen in the cross-section of these profiles. Deep cross-section of upper mantle is present in east part of cross-section of profile 6O . Under influence of compression the oceanic slab are divided on the layers III, M and M1 that are deformed differently. It is necessary to note that system of observation for west part of profile 6O is insufficient to discovery structure of hanging wing of subduction zone. Depth of Moho is changed from 15 km to 30 km here.
There is very thick accretion prism (about 200 x 20 km) in the cross- section of profile 1O . Detail structure of frontal part of accretion prism can be seen in east part of profile. Deformed layers of sediments and oceanic crust have been recover here by horizontal thrusts.
In whole numerous faults and thrust break the subducting slab in the Kuril Trench. Complex and deformed blocks of oceanic crust and upper mantle form hanging wing of subduction zone. Thickness of accretion prism sharply changes in accordance to location of known transform faults of Pacific oceanic plate.

Kuril Basin

Two parallel profiles 1M and 6M in fig. 1 cross the Kuril Basin at distance about 200 km one from another. Cross- sections along these profiles are shown in fig. 2. Depth of Moho is about 15 - 20 km here and it allows considering the crust oceanic. Crust divided here in three layers I, II and III .
Two main structures are distinguished in the both cross-sections. In western part of the profiles the blocks of subducted plate are traced. They belong to a subduction zone, designed as S1 in fig. 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 . It is disposed near North - West edge of the Kuril Basin. In this zone oceanic crust of the Kuril Basin was subducted beneath the continental crust of the Sakhalin (   Piip,   1997  ). The profile 1M crosses profile 19 in the point where block of oceanic slab S1 is disposes. The subduction zone is present at the both cross-sections (fig. 2 and 3 ) that have a mis-tie among themselves well.

Fig.3    Seismic cross- sections and geological interpretation along profiles from north to south 28, 30, 29, 19 and 27 crossing Sakhalin in sublatitude direction. Main feature of cross-sections 19 and 27 is existing of structure of subduction zone in the eastern part of the sections. Profile 19 have most detailed system of observation. F1, f2, F3, F4 are designed faults in the Tatar strait. Contour interval is 0.2 km/s, vertical exaggeration is 4:1
Seismic cross-
sections and geological interpretation along profiles from north to south Legend

More detailed view of seismic cross-sections

Full section of this subducted slab is seen in the cross-section of profile 19 . The main feature of seismic cross-section for latitude profile 19 which crosses exposures of ophiolitic rocks of South Sakhalin is the presence of deep cross-section of subduction zone. Lower oceanic crust and mantle dip 20o westward from depth of 10 km (Kuril Basin) down to depth of 20 km in the central part of profile forming a sequence of covers. Here oceanic slab is sloping and in the upper part of the cross-section the subducted block of oceanic slab is distinguished. At the depth of 30 - 50 km oceanic plate dips about 20 o again. In the west part of the profile 19 , layered continental crust and mantle are present. Thick of the crust is about 35 km here.
This architecture of cross-section for profile 19 is confirmed by cross-section for longitudinal profile 20 that crosses profile 19 and has a mis - tie at survey line intersections well.

Fig.4    Seismic section and geological interpretation along profiles 18 (above) and 20 (below) located near west and east shores of Sakhalin. Main components of the sections are blocks of subducted oceanic plate distinguishing by high velocity and high gradient values. Contours interval is 0.2 km/s, vertical exaggeration is 4:1
Seismic section and 
geological interpretation along profiles 18 and 20 Legend
More detailed view of seismic section

Profile 20 crosses of the subduction zone in a direction of strike of the zone. The blocks of oceanic slab located in the southern part of cross-section contains thrusts and blocks of oceanic crust and mantle. One oceanic mantle thrust in the central part of the cross-section rises up to depth of 10 km and it possibly served source of ophiolite at the surface. Accretion prism can be seen at the 290 - 330 km of the profile. It is noticeable that oceanic plate shows up sharply by high velocity (up to 10 km/s) and high velocity gradient values in the seismic cross- section. It seemed that these blocks were intruded or embedded in the continental lithosphere that was disturbed by numerous faults here.

Fig.5    Velocity map-slice at the depth 12 km with elements of tectonic scheme.
The map describes structures of upper crust mainly. S1, S2 indicate a location of subduction zones. The zones are designed by bold yellow lines with dashes indicated a direction of dip. R is rift structure in Kuril Basin. The third layer of Pacific oceanic plate is marked by digit III. Known transform faults of Pacific plate are shown by yellow dash lines. The white dash lines limit the area of the geotraverse. Dot-and-dash line marks the northern border of Kuril Basin
Velocity map-slice at the depth 12 km with elements of tectonic scheme
More detailed view of map

Location of this subduction zone in the plane confidently is traced on data of five profiles - 19, 20, 27, 1M and 6M and coincides everywhere with wedge of Kuril Basin. This we can see in fig. 5, where velocity map - slice at the depth of 12 km is shown. Existing of zone subduction in back - ark basins is supposed in plate tectonics.

In central part of profiles 1M and 6M in the Kuril Basin the rift or the spreading structure is present. This structure sharply is expressed in upper sedimentary layers. Faults forming it penetrate into upper mantle, where zones with anomaly low (7.0 - 7.5 km/s) velocity, possibly zones of smelting of matter of upper mantle are present.
Geologists propose existing of rift structure in Kuril Basin.   Maruyama et al.,   1997   consider that at Miocene (25 Ma) the activity of sub - Asia superplume peaked, accelerating the rifting in several major basins in East Asia, in particular in the Kuril Basin. At the late Miocene the back - arc basin reached its full extent.

Sakhalin and Tatar Strait

Structure of crust of Sakhalin and Tatar Strait is produced from the cross-sections of profiles 18 and 20 passing along west and east shores of Sakhalin and from profiles 28,29,30 crossing Tatar Strait ( fig. 3 and 4 ). The crust in this region is continental. Its thickness is 30 - 40 km here.
Remnants of relic subduction zone are seen in the north part of the seismic cross-section of profile 20 . Here anomalous crust is observed. Relic subducted oceanic slab dips to south at 15 degrees here. Accretion prism may be seen also. This relic subduction zone is designed as S2 in fig. 3 , 4 and 5. One of the remnants of oceanic plate S2 is present in the cross-section of profile 18 ( fig. 4 ). Sharp restricted domain with high values of velocity and velocity gradient - vertical cross- section of remnant of oceanic slab - is seen in the central part of the cross-section. In upper layer of cross crust at the northern half of the profile anywhere the remnants of third layer of oceanic plate are observed although in the whole the lithosphere has continental type here. Crust thickness is about 40 km.
Four seismic cross-sections of the profiles crossing the Tatar Strait have similar feathers ( fig. 3 and 4 ). Everywhere the lower crust dips toward Sikhote Alin forming steep steps. In western parts of the profiles the lower crust begins to rises. Such structure of lower crust give possibility to define a direction of relic subduction S2 that was taken place under Sikhote Alin shores. The depth of basement is about 10 km in the Tatar strait. Possible location and construction of relic subduction zone S2 in horizontal plane are seen at the velocity map - slice drawn for depth of 12 km.

Fig.6    Velocity map-slice with shaded relief at the depth 12 km, showing location of faults, relic zones of subduction and structures of crust of Kuril trench and Sea of Okhotsk.
Velocity  map-slice with shaded relief at the depth 12 km
More detailed view of map

Horizontal velocity map - slice

Horizontal velocity map - slice at 12 km depth was constructed. Data from 25 refraction profiles in the region were used in construction of this map ( fig. 5 ).
As velocity contours are parallel to seismic boundaries as rule in used cross-sections and velocity values increase with depth, the horizontal velocity map - slice reflected location of depth structures of crust. Areas with low velocity are troughs and areas with high velocity are uplifts. Faults and thrust also are reflected in velocity map - slices.
In ( fig. 5 ) the velocity map - slice with elements of tectonic scheme is represented. The structures of upper crust of the region are expressed in it. These are accretion prism, structure of third layer of oceanic slab in region of Kuril trench, location relic subduction zones and rift zone in the Kuril Basin. Several transform faults of Pacific oceanic plate are shown in the map. Location of these faults are known from seismological and magnetic data. We can see that active subducting plate in region Kuril Trench is broken onto large segments that turn around clockwise relatively of axe of the trench. This testifies (   Khain & Lomize,   1995  ). that the subduction in this region is oblique.   Maruyama et al.,   1997   also indicates on oblique direction of subduction in this region. They propose that near Hokkaido shore a fore - arc sliver was formed in the Kuril Arc by oblique subduction of Pacific Plate.
In ( fig. 6 ) the map - slice constructed with shaded relief is shown. In this map we can see the main faults of Kuril - Kamchatka region because the faults sharply are expressed in velocity field.

Cross-section of the Earth Crust along Geotraverse

Fig.7    Resulting geological- geophysical cross-section of the Earth crust along the geotraverse
Resulting geological-
geophysical cross-section of the Earth crust along the geotraverse
More detailed view of cross-section

From the East to West we can trace following structure in the geotraverse. In region of Kuril Trench thick accretion prism is present. It sizes reaches 200x20 km2. Subducting third layer of oceanic plate is broken by numerous faults and its blocks relaxed from 15 km to 30 km. Moho is disposed from 20 to 30 km here. Hang wing of subduction zone in its frontal part forms a several normal faults and in back part of it there are a series of reverse faults. Depth of Moho is 25 km here. At the 149o of longitude a sub - vertical fault exists that divided the hang wing of subduction zone from the oceanic crust of Kuril Basin. Moho is founded at the depth of 15 - 20 km here and the crust is divided into three layers. In east part of Kuril Basin a mantle plume is present. Anomalous low velocity mantle (v = 7 - 7.5 km/s) reaches 300 km here. Possibly there are partially melting rocks here that served by source of lava for volcanoes of Kuril Island Arc. Above this anomalous mantle in the crust a rift zone exists. Faults are forming its penetration from sedimentary layers to upper mantle. The rift zone is disposed in centre of large lifted block of crust that is founded above mantle plum. At west edge of Kuril basin the zone subduction is present in that oceanic crust of Kuril Basin was embedded under continental crust of Sakhalin Island. In Tatar strait the lower crust forms steep steps relaxing toward Sikhote Alin shores. Possibly a subduction zone existed here in past geological time. Basement is disposed in the region of the geotraverse at the depth about 10 km in average.

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