Geophysical Center World Data System WDCs in Russia Russian version

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Seismological Data
Current Worldwide Earthquake Lists
  Last earthquakes
    determined by Earthquake Early Alert Survey of the Geophysical Survey
of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  Latest Earthquakes of the World
    according to the Earthquake Hazards Program, USGS.
  Latest Earthquakes of the World
    from the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC).
Information on Significant Earthquakes in the World since 1900
  on the Earthquake Hazards Program website, USGS.
Earthquake Catalogues – Hypocenter Data.
Seismological Bulletins – Phase Data.
Seismic Maps and Atlases.
Seismological Special Data Bases:
  Catalogue of Toktogul region earthquakes, 1929-1991.
  Caucasus earthquakes since 550 BC till 2000 AD, ñ M≥4.0 (K≥11.0).
  Spitak earthquake 1988, CD-ROM.
  Seismology component in Russian Kolka glacier collapse,
    September 20, 2002.

New !

Earthquakes of the North Eurasia, 2018-2019.
    Issue 26.
    Geophysical Survey RAS,
    Obninsk, 2023, 384 p.
Seismicity reviews of the North Eurasia as a whole and its regions.
Regional earthquake catalogues.

Earthquakes in Russia in 2022.
    Geophysical Survey RAS,
    Obninsk, 2024, 230 p.
Reviews of seismicity on various regions of Russia.
Regional and summary catalogues of earthquakes.

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