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New Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes on the Territory of the USSR
Detailed Description of Data Format
Positions Code       Description

1-4 a4 Data sources:
   NCat –   Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (eds.)
New catalog of strong earthquakes in the USSR from ancient times through 1975. "Nauka", Moscow, 1977, 536 p. (In Russian).
Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (eds.)
New catalog of strong earthquakes in the USSR from ancient times through 1977. World Data Center A for Solid Earth Geophysics, Report SE-31, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1982, 608 p.
   EqSU –   Basic catalogue of strong earthquakes in the USSR territory. From year-books: "Earthquakes in the USSR in ... year" (1975-1978), "Nauka", Moscow, 1978-1982. (In Russian).
5-6 i 2 Region number:
   01 –   Carpathians 07 –   Baikal 13 –   Chukotka
   02 –   Crimea and Lower Kuban' 08 –   Yakutia and Northeast 14 –   Arctic Basin
   03 –   Caucasus 09 –   Primor'e and Amur 15 –   Baltic Shield
   04 –   Western Turkmenia 10 –   Sakhalin 16 –   European part of the USSR, Urals,
   05 –   Middle Asia and Kazakhstan 11 –   Kuril Islands   and Western Siberia
   06 –   Altai and Saiany 12 –   Kamchatka
7-11 i 5 Year,     "–" means B.C.
12 a1Symbol for year:
   * –   year supposed;
   R –   inserted value of year is introduced to keep file time order.
13-14 i 2 Month.
15 a1Symbol for month:
   * –   month supposed;
   R –   inserted value of month is introduced to keep file time order.
16-17 i 2 Day.
18 a1Symbol for day:
   * –   day supposed;
   R –   inserted value of day is introduced to keep file time order.
19-20 i 2 Hours.
21-22 i 2 Minutes.
23-25 f3.1 Seconds.
26 a1Symbol for time (hour, minute, second):
   * –   time supposed;
   R –   inserted value of time is introduced to keep file time order.
27-28 i 2Error code for origin time determination:
   00 –   ± 1 sec 05 –   ± 1 min 10 –   ± 1 month
   01 –   ± 2 sec 06 –   ± 10 min 11 –   ± 1 year
   02 –   ± 5 sec 07 –   ± 1 hour 12 –   ± 10 years
   03 –   ± 10 sec 08 –   ± 6 hours 13 –   ± 100 years
   04 –   ± 20 sec 09 –   ± 1 day 14 –   ± 1000 years
29-33f5.2 Geographical latitude of epicentre in degrees:
   – –   S, southern latitude;
   + –   N, northern latitude.
34-39f6.2 Geographical longitude of epicentre in degrees:
   – –   W, west longitude;
   + –   E, east longitude.
40 a1 Symbol for epicentre:
   * –   epicentre supposed;
   G –   region number in catalogue does not meet the epicentre coordinates;
   P –   coordinates of geometrical centre of possible epicentre location zone, given in catalogue, are listed;
   blank –   epicentre lies outside the regions.
41 i 1Error code for epicentre coordinates determination in degrees:
   0 –   ± 0.01 3 –   ± 0.1 6 –   ± 1
   1 –   ± 0.02 4 –   ± 0.2 7 –   ± 2
   2 –   ± 0.05 5 –   ± 0.5 8 –   ± 5
42-44 i 3 Focal depth in kilometers.
45 a1 Symbol for focal depth:     * –   supposed focal depth value.
46 i 1Error code for focal depth determination (H – focal depth value).
   Instrumental determinations (δH) :

    Macroseismic determinations (error limits) :

   0 –   ± 0.02H 3 –   H/1.2 – 1.2H
   1 –   ± 0.05H 4 –   H/1.5 – 1.5H
   2 –   ± 0.1H 5 –   H/2 – 2H
   3 –   ± 0.2H 6 –   H/3 – 3H
   4 –   ± 0.5H 7 –   H/6 – 6H
   5 –   ± H  
   6 –   ± 2H  
47 a1 Focal depth determination code:
   * –   based on macroseismic information;
   blank –   instrumental determination.
48-49 f2.1 Magnitude (as a rule, surface-wave, horizontal component or transformed to it).
50 a1 Symbol for magnitude:     * –   supposed magnitude value.
51-54 a4 Explanation of "magnitude" field:
    MLHB, MLHC, MLVB, MLVC, MLH, MLV, ML, MLB, MLC – surface-wave magnitude
   (symbols H and V mean horizontal or vertical component correspondingly,
    symbols B and C mean intermediate or long-period seismometers correspondingly);
MLHD – MLH corrected for deep shocks, depth > 70 km;
MPV, MPVA, MPVB – body-wave magnitude
   (symbols A and B mean short-period and intermediate-period seismometers),
   MPVA – is corrected for depth (for depth > 70 km),
    MPVB = MPVA+0.3;
KLMH, *MPV – MLH calculated from K and MPV correspondingly;
KMPV – MPV calculated from K (for deep shocks, depth > 70 km);
MTAU, MINT, MRAD – magnitude calculated from record duration, from macroseismic data or from maximum epicentral distance for station shock registration.
55 i 1Error code for magnitude determination.

δ M (number of independent instrumental determinations) :

Characteristic of macroseismic data :

   0 –   ± 0.1 (more than 20 stations); 2 –   reliable map of isoseists, at least 4 isoseists;
   1 –   ± 0.2 (11 – 20 stations); 3 –   incomplete map of isoseists, depth is defined with
   2 –   ± 0.3 (6 – 10 stations);   an error in 1.5 times;
   3 –   ± 0.5 (3 – 5 stations); 4 –   intensity in epicentre is known and depth
   4 –   ± 0.7 (1 station, unreliable);   is defined with an error in 2 times;
   5 –   ± 1.0 (indirect instrumental data – range of registration, 5 –   uncertainly evaluated intensity;
     number of stations); 6 –   indistinct mentioning.
   6 –   ± 2.0 ( – ).  
56-57 i 2 Number of independent instrumental determinations used for calculation of magnitude mean value.
58-59 i 2 Intensity 1 at the epicentre (MSK-64 scale), e.g. if intensity is 6, then "06", if intensity is 5-6, then "05".
60-61 i 2 Intensity 2 at the epicentre (MSK-64 scale), e.g. if intensity is 6, then "06", if intensity is 5-6, then "06".
62 a1 Symbol for intensity at the epicentre:     * –   supposed value of intensity at the epicentre.
63 i 1Error code for epicentral intensity (I0) determination in degrees.

δ I0 :

Characteristic of macroseismic data : 0

   0 –   ± 2 indistinct mentioning;
   1 –   ± 1 inexact or incomplete description;
   2 –   ± 0.5 exact description on several signs; two closed isoseists;
   3 –   ± 0.5 complete map of isoseists, three closed isoseists;
   4 –   ± 0.5 complete map of isoseists, four closed isoseists;
   5 –   ± 0.5 complete map of isoseists, five closed isoseists;
   6 –   ± 0.5 complete map of isoseists, six closed isoseists;
   7 –   ± 0.5 complete map of isoseists, seven closed isoseists.
64-65 i 2 Number of points on isoseismal map with known intensity.
66-68 i 3 Focal depth based on instrumental data, in kilometers.
69 i 1Error code for focal depth value determination based on instrumental data.
70-71 i 2 Number of stations used for focal depth determination based on instrumental data.
72-74 i 3 Focal depth based on isoseismals, in kilometers.
75-77 i 3 Focal depth based on relations between focal depth, magnitude and intensity at the epicentre.
78-80 f3.1 Surface-wave magnitude value (as a rule horizontal component, intermediate-period seismometers,
if the component or instrument type are not specified).
81 i 1Error code for MLHB value determination.
82-83 i 2Number of stations for MLHB value determnation.
84-86 f3.1 Surface-wave magnitude value (horizontal component, long-period seismometers).
87 i 1Error code for MLHC value determination.
88-89 i 2Number of stations for MLHC value determination.
90-92 f3.1 Surface-wave magnitude value (vertical component, intermediate-period seismometers).
93 i 1Error code for MLVB value determination.
94-95 i 2Number of stations for MLVB value determination.
96-98 f3.1 Body-wave magnitude value (vertical component, intermediate-period seismometers).
99 i 1Error code for MPVB value determination.
100-101 i 2Number of stations for MPVB value determination.
102-104 f3.1 Body-wave magnitude value (vertical component, short-period seismometers).
105 i 1Error code for MPVA value determination.
106-107 i 2Number of stations for MPVA value determination.
108-110 f3.1 Magnitute value, calculated from record period duration.
111-112 i 2Number of stations for MTAU value determination.
113-115 f3.1 Magnitude value based on macroseismic data MINT.
116-118 f3.1 Energy class.
119-120 i 2 Value of minor semiaxis of epicentral coordinates determination error ellipse, in kilometers.
121-123 i 3 Value of major semiaxis of epicentral coordinates determination error ellipse, in kilometers.
124-127 i 3 Azimuth of major semiaxis of epicentral coordinates determination error ellipse, in degrees.
128 a1 Macroseismic data existance code:
   I –   Source contains data about mean radii of isoseismals or about macroseismic effect in different points.
129-130 a2 Shock sequence code:
   A –   aftershock;
   E –   foreshock;
   M –   main shock (or foreshocks and/or afterhocks existance is indicated);
   S –   the shock belongs to a swarm;
   ? –   after these signs means doubt.
131-132 i 2 Earthquake's detailed description code:
   D –   the Catalogue contains a special article with detalled description of the earthquake;
   N –   the Catalogue contains the name of the earthquake.
133-134 i 2 Tsunami code:
   T –   the earthquake was accompanied by tsunami;
   T? –   tsunami supposed.
135-137 i 3 Code of contradictions, mistakes or inaccuracy in the sources, used in the Catalogue:
   # –   contradictions or mistakes in the sources;
   V –   inaccuracy in the sources;
   ? –   the catalogue contains notes like "vague data" or "uncertain interpretation";
   M## –   contradiction of macroseismic and instrumental data.
138-144 7x Blanks.
145-148 i 4 Record number.
149-150 2x Blanks.

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