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New Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes on the Territory of the USSR
Catalogue contains information on 4889 epicenters of earthquakes in the territory of the USSR from the ancient times to 1978. Size of datafile 0.7 MB.

The data file has been prepared in electronic form at the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  Data format features:
Length of record – 150 byte.
Decimal points are absent.
Zeros and blanks are equivalent.
Data sources:
1. Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (eds.) New catalogue of strong earthquakes in the USSR from ancient times through 1975. "Nauka", Moscow, 1977, 536 p. (In Russian).

Book copy in .pdf format .

2. Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (eds.) New catalog of strong earthquakes in the USSR from ancient times through 1977. World Data Center A for Solid Earth Geophysics, Report SE-31, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA,

3. The main catalogue of strong earthquakes on the territory of the USSR. From the yearbooks: From year-books: "Earthquakes in the USSR in 1975" – "Earthquakes in the USSR in 1978", "Nauka", Moscow, 1978-1982. (In Russian).

Data Format (short)
The complete format description: look through
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Positions Code Description
1-4 a4 Data sources.
5-6 i 2 Region number.
7-11 a5 Year.
13-14 i 2 Month.
16-17 i 2 Day.
19-25 f7.1 Origin time.
29-33 f5.2 Geographical latitude.
34-39 f6.2 Geographical longitude.
42-44 i 3 Focal depth.
48-49 f2.1 Magnitude (as a rule, surface-wave, horizontal component or transformed to it).
50 a1 Symbol for magnitude.
51-54 a4 Explanation of "magnitude" field.
58-59 i 2 Intensity 1 at the epicentre.
60-61 i 2 Intensity 2 at the epicentre.
66-68 i 3 Focal depth, based on instrumental data.
72-74 i 3 Focal depth, based on isoseismals.
75-77 i 3 Focal depth, based on relations between focal depth, magnitude and intensity at the epicentre.
78-80 f3.1 Surface-wave magnitude value MLHB (as a rule horizontal component, intermediate-period seismometers, if the component or instrument type are not specified).
84-86 f3.1 Surface-wave magnitude value MLHC (horizontal component, long-period seismometers).
90- 92 f3.1 Surface-wave magnitude value MLVB (vertical component, intermediate-period seismometers).
96-98 f3.1 Body-wave magnitude value MPVB (vertical component, intermediate-period seismometers).
102-104 f3.1 Body-wave magnitude value MPVA (vertical component, short-period seismometers).
108-110 f3.1 Magnitute value, calculated from record period duration MTAU.
113-115 f3.1 Magnitude value based on macroseismic data MINT.
116-118 f3.1 Energy class.
129-137 3*i 2 Different descriptive codes.
145-148 i 4 Record number.

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