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Earthquakes of the Mediterranean and surrounding areas
Catalogue of earthquakes includes information on 2698 events for the territory of Mediterranean and surrounding areas for the period from 1901 to 1975. Size of datafile – 0.1 MB.
Data belong to the area: 300 N – 500 N; 100 W – 400 E.

Data source:
Comninakis P.E., Papazachos B.C.
A Catalogue of Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and the Surrounding Area for the Period 1901-1975.
University of Thessaloniki, Geophysical Laboratory,
Publication № 5, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1978.
Catalogue description (.pdf)

Data file has been prepared in electronic form at the World Data Center for Solid Earth Physics.

  Data format features:
Length of logical record - 50 byte.
All decimal points are given.
Data Format
Positions Code Description
1- 7 a7 Source code – "MEDITER".
10-13 i 4 Year.
14-15 i 2 Month.
16-17 i 2 Day.
19-20 i 2 Hours (origin time GMT).
21-22 i 2 Minutes.
23-24 i 2 Seconds.
26-31 f6.2 Latitude in degrees ("–" - south).
34-39 f6.2 Longitude in degrees ("–" - west).
41-43 i 3 Depth in kilometers (if value of depth isn't defined, in these positions is written "999").
45-47 f3.1 Surface magnitude Ms.

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