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Bulletin of the USSR Seismic Stations Network
        "The Bulletin of the USSR Seismic Stations Network" is a quarterly publication containing data on earthquakes that occurred both on the territory of the Soviet Union and outside its borders. The bulletin consists of two parts.
        The first part provides information about earthquakes in the seismically active zones of the USSR.
These are the zones: Carpathian, Crimean, Kopetdag, Central Asian, Baikal, Far East and Arctic.
The same part contains information about earthquakes, the epicenters of which are located on the territory of the USSR, but are not included in any of these zones. In this part, the information is divided into three sections.
        The first section contains basic data for all earthquakes for which epicenters have been determined, namely: the moment of occurrence of the earthquake, the coordinates of the source, the accuracy class, the instrumental intensity and a list of stations from which the coordinates of the source and the maximum amplitudes of soil vibrations have been determined.
        The second section contains basic data for the most severe earthquakes and detailed data from seismic stations.
        The third section contains information about local earthquakes.
        The second part of each issue of the Bulletin contains information about remote earthquakes. The order of the seismic data is the same as in the first two sections of the first part.
        The list of seismic stations of the USSR, basic information about permanent seismographs, as well as geographical coordinates and data on instruments of seismic stations are contained in the first and third issues of the bulletin annually.
        The collection of bulletins for the period from 1957 to 1977, located in the funds of the World Data Center for Solid Earth Physics, has been transferred from paper to electronic form (PDF format) during the implementation of the project "Preservation of Historical Data" and is published here.

1957 1958
  ¹ 1, January - March   ¹ 1, January - March
  ¹ 2, April - June   ¹ 2, April - June
  ¹ 3, July - September    
  ¹ 4, October - December   ¹ 4, October - December

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