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Seismological Bulletin
of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Format description

The Seismological Bulletin contains data for a group of earthquakes (events)
            following in chronological order:

Event_1           Event_2           ...           Event_N

There are 5 record types, which all represent one event:

Record_type Record_identification
1 Epicenter line
2 Magnitude line
10 Primary phase line
11 Secondary phase & maximum

A length of each record is 80 bytes.             Bulletin Example

Epicenter line

Bytes Contents Format Description
1-2   This record type i2   must be = 1
3-4   Next record type i2   2, 8 or 1
5-12   Event date i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
  MM - month, DD - day
13-19   Origin time 2i2,f3.1   hhmmss.s, hh - hours,
  mm - minutes, ss.s - seconds
20-22   Standart deviation f3.2   Rms of defining phase
23-27   Latitude f5.3   in degrees
28   Latitude symbol a1   N or S
29-34   Longitude f6.3   in degrees
35   Longitude symbol a1   E or W
36-38   Small semi-axis of 95% confidence
  ellipse of epicenter detection errors
f3.1   in kilometers
39-41   Large semi-axis of 95% confidence
  ellipse of epicenter detection errors
f3.1   in kilometers
42-45   Small semi-axis azimuth f4.1   in degrees
46-48   Focal depth i3   in kilometers
49-57   Reserved a9   blanks
58-60   Number of P/PKP epicenter
  defining observations
61-63   Total number of P/PKP
64-66   Number of P/PKP focal
  depth defining observations
67-70   Seismic region number i4  
71-73   Geographical region number i3  
74-77   Event number since the
  beginning of the year
78   Station data printing flag i1   0 or 1: 0 = yes, 1 = no
79-80   Number of magnitude types
  defined for this event
i2   0, 1, 2 or 3

Magnitude line

Bytes Contents Format Description
1-2   This record type i2   must be = 2
3-4   Next record type i2   8 or 1
5-12   Event date i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
  MM - month, DD - day
13-14   Number of magnitude types i2   1, 2 or 3
15-16   Magnitude value f2.1 
17-20   Magnitude type a4   "MPSP", "MPLP" or "MS"
21-22   Reserved a2   blanks
23-26   Channel a4   "SP","SPZ","SPN","SPE",
27-29   Number of observations
  for this magnitude type
30-44   The same as 15-29 bytes
  for second magnitude type
    if number of magnitude
  types > 1
45-59   The same as 15-29 bytes
  for third magnitude type
    if number of magnitude
  types = 3
60-80   Reserved a21   blanks


Bytes Contents Format Description
1-2   This record type i2   must be = 8
3-4   Next record type i2   8 or 1
5-12   Event date i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
  MM - month, DD - day
13-70   Comment text a58  
71-80   Reserved a10   blanks

Primary phase line

Bytes Contents Format Description
1-2   This record type i2   must be = 10
3-4   Next record type i2   11, 10 or 1
5-12   Event date i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
  MM - month, DD - day
13-18   Station code a6  
19-33   Station name a15  
34-38   Epicentral distance f5.2   in degrees
39-41   Epicenter-station azimuth i3   in degrees
42-47   Computed P-phase
48-50   First motion SP indicators 3a1   {C|D| }{N|S| }{E|W| }
51-53   First motion LP indicators 3a1   {C|D| }{N|S| }{E|W| }
54   Primary phase clarity a1   {I|E|Q| } where
  I indicating an accuracy
  to within +/- 0.2 seconds
  E - within +/-1.0 seconds
  Q - less accurate than
  +/- 1 second
55-59   Reserved a5   blanks
60-66   First arrival time 2i2,f3.1   hhmmss.s, hh - hours,
  mm - minutes, ss.s - seconds
67-70   tobs - tJB residual f4.1  
71-73   Channel a3   "SP","SPZ","SPN","SPE",
74   Defining P/PKP observation
a1   " " = yes, "*" = no
75-80   Reserved a6   blanks

Secondary phase & maximum

Bytes Contents Format Description
1-2   This record type i2   must be = 11
3-4   Next record type i2   11, 10 or 1
5-12   Event date i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
  MM - month, DD - day
13-14   Internal secondary phase
i2   look at "Phase list" below
15-19   Secondary phase arrival
i2,f3.1   mmss.s, mm - minutes,
  ss.s - seconds
20   Secondary phase clarity a1   {I|E| } where
  I - impulse arrival
  E - emergent arrival
21-23   Channel a3   "SP","SPZ","SPN","SPE",
24-29   Station operator's phase
30-33   Computed identification
  secondary phase error
f4.1   999.9 means "didn't computed"
34-37   Station operator's
  identification secondary
  phase error
f4.1   999.9 means "didn't computed"
38-39   Internal phase maximum code i2   97 ="LM", 98 ="PM", 99 ="SM"
40-44   Time of maximum amplitude i2,f3.1   mmss.s, mm - minutes,
  ss.s - seconds
45-47   Channel a3   "SP","SPZ","SPN","SPE",
48-50   Maximum amplitude period f3.1   in seconds
51-57   Maximum amplitude on N-S f7.3   in micrometers
58-64   Maximum amplitude on E-W f7.3   in micrometers
65-71   Maximum amplitude on Z f7.3   in micrometers
72-73   Station magnitude value on
  horizontal components
74-75   Station magnitude value on
  vertical component
76-80   Reserved a5   blanks

Phase list

 Internal phase code  Phase name  | Internal phase code  Phase name
 -------------------  ----------  | -------------------  ----------
          2                P      |         26                Sg  C 
          3               pP      |         27                Pn  B
          4               sP      |         28                Pg  B
          5                S      |         29                Sn  B
          6               sS      |         30                Sg  B
          7            PKiKP      |         31               PP    
          8           pPKiKP      |         32              PPP    
          9           sPKiKP      |         33               PS
         10              PKP2     |         34               SP
         11            PKHKP      |         35               SS
         13                Pn  A  |         36              SSS
         14                P*  A  |         37              PPS
         15                Pg  A  |         38              PSP
         16                Sn  A  |         39              SPP
         17                S*  A  |         40              SSP
         18                Sg  A  |         41              PSS
         19                Pn  F  |         42              SPS
         20                Sn  F  |         43              PcP
         21                Pn  C  |         44              ScS
         22                P*  C  |         45              SKS   1
         23                Pg  C  |         46              SKS   2
         24                Sn  C  |         47             SKKS
         25                S*  C  |         48            SKKKS
 For local phases:  A - Middle Asia, F - Far East, C - Caucasus,
                    B - Baikal

Bulletin Example:

 1 22007 1 6 034144 9852737N159164E 98272-113114 0  0 0 0 18 19 18  19219  710 1
 2 82007 1 6 140MPSP  SP    6                                                   
 8102007 1 6Felt (II-III) at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskyi.                         
10112007 1 6PET   Petropavlovsk     42313PN    DSE   I      034323   2SPZ       
11112007 1 6                         9834330LPZ 10      0      0    200 0 0     
11112007 1 6                         9834331SPZ  2      0      0   2640 0 0     
11112007 1 6                         9834331MPZ  2      0      0   2500 0 0     
11112007 1 62034453ISPES       -2 -12                                           
11112007 1 6                         9934455MPN  4   2500      0      0 0 0     
11112007 1 6                         9934456MPE  5      0   9300      0 0 0     
11112007 1 6                         9934457SPN  4   3769      0      0 0 0     
11102007 1 6                         9934458SPE  4      0  12752      0 0 0     
10112007 1 6NLC   Nalycheva         45 14PN                 034322   0SPZ       
11102007 1 62034440 SPZS      -17 -28                                           
10112007 1 6RUS   Russkaya          50233PN                 034327   1SPZ       
11102007 1 62034449 SPZS      -14 -25                                           
10112007 1 6SPN   Mys Shipunskiy    63 54PN                 034321 -14SPZ       
11102007 1 62034439 SPZS      -41 -49                                           
10112007 1 6KII   Karymskiy        131  7PN                 034410   4SPZ       
11102007 1 62034593 SPZS       -2   0                                           
10112007 1 6MKZ   Mys Kozlova      238 39PN                 034525 -20SPZ       
11102007 1 62035192 SPZS      -29 -31                                           
10112007 1 6SKR   Severo-Kuril'sk  283224PN          E      035 12   9SPZ       
11112007 1 6                         9835 35SPZ  5      0      0     80 0 0     
11112007 1 62035279ESPNS      -42 -519935315SP   2    280    280      0 0 0     
11102007 1 6                         9935315SPZ  5      0      0     80 0 0     
10102007 1 6KOZR  Kozyr            336  7PN                 035 78   5SPZ       
10112007 1 6KLY   Klyuchi          372 15PN                 035128   7SPZ       
11102007 1 62035550 SPZS       23   5                                           
10112007 1 6KBTR  Krutoberegovo-1  408 30PN                 035159 -10SPZ       
11102007 1 62035595 SPZS      -18 -37                                           
10112007 1 6SONM  Songano Array B 3343283P                  040442   2SPZ       
11112007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  4      0      0      1 039     
11102007 1 64343234 SPZ         39999                                           
10102007 1 6YKA   Yellowknife arr 4381 42P                  042106   7SPZ       
10102007 1 6MKAR  Makanchi        4796296P                  042412 -17SPZ       
10112007 1 6ARCES Arcess Array    5345342P                  043235  -6SPZ       
11102007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ 10      0      0      4 045     
10112007 1 6FINES Finess Array    6022336P                  044120  51SPZ*      
11102007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  4      0      0      1 043     
10112007 1 6NOA   NORSAR Array    6399343P                  044353 -18SPZ       
11102007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  6      0      0      1 039     
10112007 1 6AKASG Malin array     6863328P                  045 62  -3SPZ       
11102007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  5      0      0      2 042     
10102007 1 6TXAR  Lajitas Array   7130 66P                  045241  10SPZ       
10112007 1 6BRTR  Turkey array    7653320P                  045539   7SPZ       
11 12007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  6      0      0      1 036     
 1 22007 1 6 1 853722546462N154962E186262 509 71 0  0 0 0 11 11 11  19222  720 1
 2102007 1 6 142MPSP  SP    5                                                   
10112007 1 6KUR   Kuril'sk         511259PN    D     I      110135  31SPZ       
11112007 1 6                         9810140SPZ  5      0      0     80 0 0     
11112007 1 62011 98ESPES        9  20                                           
11102007 1 6                         9911124SP   6     80     80      0 0 0     
10112007 1 6JKA   Kamikawa-asahi   903259PN                 111 26 -24SPZ       
11102007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  3      0      0      1 0 0     
10102007 1 6ERM   Erimo            957247PN          I      111 67 -57SPZ       
10102007 1 6MKAR  Makanchi        4839299P                  117293  -7SPZ       
10102007 1 6YKA   Yellowknife arr 5039 37P                  117436 -15SPZ       
10112007 1 6ARCES Arcess Array    5854341P                  118440  -3SPZ       
11102007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  8      0      0      2 044     
10112007 1 6FINES Finess Array    6484336P           I      119268   2BPZ       
11102007 1 6                         9819275SPZ  7      0      0      1 043     
10102007 1 6WRA   Warramunga arra 6868201P                  119518   2SPZ       
10112007 1 6ASAR  Alice Springs A 7236200P                  120149  12SPZ       
11102007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  8      0      0      1 039     
10112007 1 6AKASG Malin array     7249327P           I      120153  14SPZ       
11102007 1 6                         9820156SPZ  3      0      0      0 039     
10112007 1 6TXAR  Lajitas Array   7651 62P                  120381   5SPZ       
11 12007 1 6                         98-1  0SPZ  5      0      0      2 046     

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