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Earthquake catalog of the Ossetian sector of the Greater Caucasus

1962 – 2022

The catalog is a combination of earthquake data from regional catalogs of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GS RAS) (North Caucasus and Republic of Georgia), the catalog from the annual journals "Seismic Bulletin of the Caucasus" (Institute of Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR) and the data of International Seismological Center ISC Bulletin for the territory limited by the coordinates:

      42°N, 43°E;   44.5°N, 43°E;   44.5°N, 45.5°E;   42°N, 45.5°E.

Catalog contains information on 16,285 seismic events for the period 1962–2022.           TXT

The catalogs were merged according to the author's method that is described in "Nearest neighbor method for discriminating aftershocks and duplicates when merging earthquake catalogs" by Vorobieva I.A., Gvishiani A.D., Dzeboev B.A., Dzeranov B.V., Barykina Yu.V., Antipova A.O. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2022. Vol. 10. DOI:10.3389/feart.2022.820277.

A detailed description of the earthquake catalog of the Ossetian sector of the Greater Caucasus will be given in the article "Integrated Earthquake Catalog IV: The Ossetian sector of the Greater Caucasus" by Vorobieva I.A., Dzeboev B.A., Dzeranov B.V., Gvishiani A.D., Zaalishvili V.B., Sergeeva N.A., Nikitina I.M., Bosieva A.R.
Appl. Sci. 2023.
Catalog format             PDF

(text format with TAB separator):
 1.   Year
 2.   Month
 3.   Day
 4.   Hour
 5.   Minutes
 6.   Seconds
 7.   Latitude
 8.   Longitude
 9.   Depth (not known for all earthquakes)
10.   Author's magnitude
11.   Event Type:
             •	eq – earthquake 
             •	fe – felt earthquake 
             •	ke – known earthquake 
             •	se – suspected earthquake 
12.   Input catalog
13.   Event ID from the ISC catalog (if known)
14.   Original magnitude (from input catalogs)
15.   Type of magnitude (from input catalogs)

Map of earthquake epicenters with M ≥ 2.0 of the integrated catalog of the Ossetian sector of the Greater Caucasus
for the period 1962–2022.
GSR is merge of Soviet, Russian and Georgian catalogs.

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