Geophysical Center World Data System WDCs in Russia Russian version

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Earthquakes in the seismically active zone of the Baikal Region, 1912−1957
          The database includes earthquake catalogues compiled by processing data from a network of stationary seismic stations in the USSR using a unified methodology with an assessment of the reliability of the results, a map of the location of earthquake epicenters, information about seismic stations, description and bibliography.
The catalogues converted into electronic form (PDF, Excel and ASCII formats) contain standard values of the parameters of each earthquake: the moment of occurrence, the source position with an assessment of its determination accuracy, the intensity and magnitude.

          The data presented here are a retrospective addition to the catalogue of earthquakes in the Baikal region, starting in 1962 and formed on the basis of data published in the yearbooks «Earthquakes in the USSR» è «Earthquakes in Northern Eurasia».

          Data source: Atlas of earthquakes in the USSR. The results of observations of the network of seismic stations of the USSR, 1911-1957. Eds. E.F. Savarensky, C.L. Solovyov, D.A. Kharin. AS USSR Publishing House, Moscow, 1962.

          When creating the earthquake catalogue of the Baikal Region seismically active zone the source material related to the territory of 48−58° N, 98−120° E was used.

          Description and bibliography.
          Information about seismic stations.

          The main catalogue of the Baikal Region seismically active zone includes data on 150 earthquakes of I−V intensity groups for the period from 1912 to 1957 and 6 events of the pre-instrumental period 1814−1903.
          The additional catalogue contains data on 9 events of III−IV intensity groups for the period from 1902 to 1953, which were not included in the main catalogue due to the unreliability of their definition.

          Catalogues converted into PDF, Excel and ASCII formats.           Format description.

Scheme of the spatial distribution of earthquake epicenters in the Baikal Region.
Red hollow circles indicate earthquakes for which the magnitude is not determined

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