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Catalogues of Heat Flow Values


Catalogues of the measured values of heat flow, collected in the World Data Center for Solid Earth Physics, usually include for each point of measurement geographical coordinates, values of a temperature gradient, heat conductivity, heat generation.
Data it is possible to receive having sent the order by e-mail .
World Data    Arctic    Eurasia    North America   
World Data
    1. Jessop A.M., Hobart M.A., Sclater J.G.
         The world heat flow data collection - 1975. 
         Geothermal Service of Canada, Geothermal series, no.5, Ottawa, Canada, 1976.

    2. Veselov O.V., Lipina E.N.
         Katalog dannyh o teplovom potoke vostoka Azii, Avstralii i zapada Tihogo okeana.
         Institut Tektoniki i Geofiziki, Sahalinskij Kompleksnij nauchno-issledovatel'skij
         Institut, Dal'nevostochnyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Akademii nauk SSSR, Vladivostok, 1982

    3. Tuezov I.K., Veselov O.V., Lipina E.N.
         Teplovoj potok zapada Tihogo okeana, vostoka Asii i Avstralii.
         /Obobshhenie i analiz rezul'tatov izmerenij/.
         Institut Tektoniki and Geofiziki, Sahalinskij Kompleksnij nauchno-issledovatel'skij
         Institut, Dal'nevostochnyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Academii nauk SSSR, Vladivostok, 1984.
    1. Judge A., Jessop A.
         Heat flow north of 600N.
         In: Arctic geophysical review (J.F.Sweeney, ed.). 
         Publications of the Earth Physics Branch, v.45, no.4, Ottawa, Canada, 1978, pp.25-33
    1. Lyubimova E.A., Polyak B.G., Smirnov Ya.B., Kutas R.I., Firsov F.V., Sergienko S.I., 
       Lyusova L.N.
         Teplovoj potok na territorii SSSR, katalog dannyh, 1964-1972. 
         Materialy Mirovogo Tsentra Dannyh B, Moskva, 1973.

    2. Uyeda S.
         Heat flow.
         In: The crust and upper mantle of the Japanese Area. Part 1, Geophysics 
         (S.Miyamura, S.Uyeda, eds.). 
         Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 1972, pp.97-105.

    3. Cermak V.
         First heat flow map of Czechoslovakia. /Catalogue and map, scale 1:2 220 000, two-colour/. 
         Travaux de l'Institut Geophysique de l'Academie Tchecoslovaque des Sciences, no.461,       
         Geofysikalni sbornik, XXIV, Akademia, Praha, 1976, pp.245-261.
North America
    1. Taylor A.E., Judge A.S.
         Canadian geothermal data collection - Northern Wells, 1974.
         Geothermal Service of Canada, Geothermal series, no.3, Ottawa, Canada, 1975.

    2. Taylor A.E., Judge A.S.
         Canadian geothermal data collection - Northern Wells, 1976-77.
         Geothermal Service of Canada, Geothermal series, no.10, Ottawa, Canada, 1977.

    3. Judge A.S., Taylor A.E., Burgess M.
         Canadian geothermal data collection - Northern Wells, 1977-78. 
         Geothermal Service of Canada, Geothermal series, no.11, Ottawa, Canada, 1979.

    4. Judge A.S., Taylor A.E., Burgess M., Allen V.S.
         Canadian geothermal data collection - Northern Wells, 1978-80.
         Geothermal Service of Canada, Geothermal series, no.12, Ottawa, Canada, 1981.

    5. Taylor A.E., Burgess M., Judge A.S., Allen V.S.
         Canadian geothermal data collection - Northern Wells, 1981.
         Geothermal Service of Canada, Geothermal series, no.13, Ottawa, Canada, 1982.
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