Skobeltsyn Instytute of Nuclear Physics
Moscow State University
NPI MSU, 119899,Moscow,Russia
Tel: 7(095) 9390896
Fax: 7 (095) 9391818
Director - Professor Mikhail I. Panasyuk
Theoretical and Applied Space Physics Department
Division III: Magnetospheric Phenomena.
Main results of the theoretical research of magnetospheric processes are as follows:
The basic results of experimental study of dynamics of outer radiation belt relativistic electron fluxes, ring current ion fluxes and near-Earth plasma sheet hot plasma fluxes are as follows:
Dst) max=2.75* 104/L4maxAntonova E.E. and Ganushkina N.Yu. Azimuthal hot plasma pressure gradients and dawn-dusk electric field formation, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, V 59, N 11, pp. 1343-1354, 1997
Antonova E.E. and Ovchinnikov I.L., The inner magnetosphere source of dawn-dusk electric field and magnetospheric dynamics, Adv. Space Res., V 19, N 12, pp. 1919-1922, 1997.
Antonova E.E. and Tverskoy B.A., On the nature of electric fields in the Earth's inner magnetosphere, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy International, 1998, V 1, N 1, pp. 9-21.
Antonova E.E. and Ovchinnikov I.L., Quasy three dimensional model of equilibrium turbulent plasma sheet in thebEarthôs magnetosphere tail and its substorm dynamics, Geomagnetism & Aeronomy, 1998, V.38, N 5, pp. 14-21.
Ivanova T.A., Kutuzov Yu.V., Marjin B.V., et al., Some characteristics of hot magnetospheric plasma at geostationary orbit, Geophysical Monograph., series of AGU, 1996, V 97, pp. 269-274.
Ivanova T.A., Pavlov N.N., Reizman S.Ya., et al., Dynamics of the relativistic electron outer radiation belt, Geomagnetism & Aeronomy, 1999 (in press, Russia)
Kovtyukh A.S., Martinenko G.B., Sosnovets. E.N., et al. Variations of the intercomponent ring current energy spectra during the geomagnetic storms: õGorizont-35æ results, Adv. Space Res., 1996, V.17, N 2, pp.179-182.
Tverskay L.V. Diagnosing the magnetospheric processes using radiation belt relativistic electron data, Geomagnetism & Aeronomy, 1998, V. 38, N5, pp.22-32
Tverskoy B.A. Formation mechanism of the structure of the magnetic storm ring current, Geomagnetism & Aeronomy, 1997, V 37, N5, pp. 29-34.
Vlasova N.A., Kovtyukh A.S., Kutuzov Yu.V., et al., Observations at geosynchronous orbit of near plasma sheet, ring current and radiation belt energetic electrons on March 11-25, 1992, Kosmich. Issled., 1999 (in press)
Department of Radiation and Computational Methods
Division III: Magnetospheric Phenomena.
Kropotkin A.P.,M.I.Sitnov, Magnetospheric substorm dynamics from the viewpoint of open nonlinear systems theory, in "Problems of Geospace", edited by M.I. Pudovkin, B.P. Besser, W. Riedler, A.M.
Sitnov M.I., H.V.Malova, A.T.Y.Lui, Quasi-neutral sheet tearing instability induced by electron preferential acceleration from stochasticity, J.Geophys. Res., 1997, 102 (A1), 163-173.
Kropotkin A.P., H.V.Malova, M.I.Sitnov, The self-consistent structure of a thin anisotropic current sheet, J. Geophys. Res., 1997, 102 (A10), 22099-22106.
Sitnov M.I., H.V.Malova, A.S.Sharma, Role of temperature ratio in tearing
stability of the quasi-neutral sheet tearing mode, Geophys. Res. Letters, 1998, 25, No.3, 269-272.
Kropotkin A.P., O.O.Trubachev, A.T.Y.Lui, Nonlinear instability of the geomagnetotail current sheet combining the features of tearing and cross-field current instabilities, J. Geophys. Res., 1999, 104 (A4), 371-382.
Sitnov M.I., A.T.Y.Lui, Cross-field current instability as a catalyst of the explosive reconnection in the geomagnetotail, J. Geophys. Res., 1999, 104 (A4), 6941-6952.
Division IV: Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field.
Veselovsky I.S., Large-scale solar wind stream structure at high heliolatitudes. Space Sci. Rev., V.72, p.87-92, 1995
Veselovsky I.S., A.V. Dmitriev, A.V. Suvorova, Average solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field parameters at the Earth's orbit during last three solar cycles. Solar System Research, V.32, p.310-315, 1998
Department of Space Physics Investigations
Division III: Magnetospheric Phenomena.
Kuznetsov S.N., Myagkova I.N. Anomalous fluxes of quasi-trapped electrons (>0.5 MeV)under the inner radiation belt.WDS`98 PII, University Karlovy, 1998, p 220-225.
Gotselyuk Yu.V.,Kuznetsov S.N.,Sinyakov A.V. Changes of outer radiation belt structure during the magnetic storm of April 17, 1994. WDS`98 PII, Matfyzpress, Univerzity Karlovy, 1998, p 226-234.
Gotselyuk Yu.V., Kuznetsov S.N., Sinyakov A.V. WDS`98 PII, Matfyzpress, Univerzity Karlovy, 1998, p 210-215.
Kuznetsov S.N. and A.V.Suvorova An empirical model of the magnetopause for broad range of solar wind pressure and IMF Bz in Polar Cap Boundary Phenomena NATO ASI Series C, p 51-61, 1998.
Kuznetsov C.N.,Syvorova A.V.,Dmitriev A.V. Form and Size of the Magnetopause. Connection with the space parameters. Geomagnetizm and Aeronomy. V38, N6.p7-16, 1998.
Kuznetsov S.N, A.V. Suvorova, A.V. Dmitriev. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 38, 6, 7, 1998
Dmitriev, A.V. Yu.S. Minaeva, Yu. V. Orlov, I.G. Persiantsev, A.V. Suvorova, I.S. Veselovsky. Proc. of ESA Workshop on Space Weather, 11-13 November, 1998, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 393, 1999
Division IV: Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field.
Veselovsky I.S., Gotselyuk Yu.V., Denisov Yu.I. et al. Recurrent energetic particle enhancements according to CORONAS-I data. Izv. Vuz. Radiophys.V.XXXIX, N11-12, p1527-1532, 1996.
Kahler S.W., Cane H.V., H.S.Hudson, V.G.Kurt, Yu.V.Gotselyuk, MacDowall R.J.,and V.Bothmer The solar energetic particle event of April 14, 1994, as a probe shock formation and particle acceleration. J.G.R. V 103,NA6, p 12,069-12,076,1998.
Veselovsky I.S.,Gorselyuk Yu.V.,Dmitriev A.V., Kuznetsov S.N.,Viktoriya Kurt, Myagkova I.N., Oraevsky V.N., Panasyuk M.I., Podorolsky A.N., and Ryumin S.P. Kosmich. Issled. 1997, V35, N2, p 127-132.
Dmitriev A.V., Yu.V. Orlov, I.G. Persiantsev, M.O. Riazantseva, I.S. Veselovsky. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 24th EGS General Assembly, V1, N3, p.17, 1999a.
Dmitriev A.V., Yu.V. Orlov, I.S. Persiantsev, A.V. Suvorova, I.S. Veselovsky. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 24th EGS General Assembly, V1, N3, p.776, 1999b.
Avdyushin S., A. Belov, A. Dmitriev, et al. Russian Space Weather Initiatives, Proc. of ESA Workshop on Space Weather, 11-13 November, 1998, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, p. 185-197, 1999.