United Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth
Russian Academy of Sciences
UIPE RAS , B. Gruzinskaya 10, Moscow, 123810, Russia
Laboratory of main geomagnetic field and magnetic petrology
Head of the Laboratory - Doctor of science A.N. Didenko
e-mail: didenko@uipe-ras.scgis.ru
Laboratory was founded in 1939.
Main field of research include geomagnetic field changes during Neogea, paleotectonic and fine structure of geomagnetic field.
Main results of the Laboratory for the last four years run as follows.
The mean level of magnetic moment ( VADM ) for the last ~200 Ka was 0,5-0,6 of modern M, according to continuous paleointensity records of 6 curves longer than 200 Ka averaged records by sliding window of 20 Ka.
All curves have a clear sharp minimum of 180-190 Ka ( Biva I age). 15 shorter curves have maximum at about 55 Ka and a deep minimum near ~45-20 Ka as against the background of recorded Mono and Lashamp excursion [Petrova, 1998a]. The correlation coefficient for pairs of paleointensity curves varies in the range of 0.5-0.7 for the last 200 Ka. In some time interval K decreases. All excursions that these curves illustrate fit decreasing K, but the process of K decrease is remarkably longer than excursions themselves. [Petrova, 1999].
The variation of T=(95± 10) yr. was revealed as well as (60± 10) yr. and (120± 10) yr. in four different Karelian varves sections for time interval 16-9 Ka [Petrova et al, 1997, Petrova et al 1998b]. This variation does not exist neither in present spectrum of torsion oscillations nor in the spectrum of archaeological section for the age 4-5 Ka (Mesopotamia) [Nachasova, Burakov, 1993]. Supposedly, the presence of this variation is connected with the low magnetic moment of the Earth; 16-9 Ka ago it was ~0.5 of the present M [Petrova, 1998a].
The spectrum of variations with T 300-10000 yr. ( MAC-waves) was studied in two different sections (Jangiyul - Tashkent region and Kostenki - Dnepr river) for time interval 52-19 Ka. It is the same as spectrum known in archeomagnetic data, although the magnetic moment of the Earth during that time interval was 0.3-0.5 of present M. [Pospelova et al, 1998]
The analysis of long archaeointensity curves for the last 8000 years (Bulgaria, Georgia, Central Asia, China, Japan) allows to conclude that intensity variations may be approximated by harmonics with periods from 500 to 8000 years, which have both westward and eastward longitudinal drift with the same velocity about 0.2 degree per year.
The main waves have period 8000- and 1600-years. The 8000-years variation has the eastward drift and amplitude, changing with longitude from 6 to 10 A/m. The 1600-years variation is in the main responsible for the phenomena of the "westward drift" of geomagnetic field.
Archaeomagnetic data for Middle Asia and the Caucasus for the last four millennia (thousand years) allows us to identify variations with T=1800 and 1200 years. The 1200-yr. variation for the Caucasus has more pronounced and clear character. The 1800-yr. variation for Middle Asia is two times greater than that for the Caucasus [Burlatskaya, 1997]. The amplitude of 300-600-yr. variations increased abruptly (as a “splash”) in VIII century BC and fall in IV century BC [Burlatskaya, 1999a]. The amplitude of ~200 yr. increased gradually in mid second millennium and decreased abruptly in mid first millennium [Burlatskaya, 1999b].
The combined analysis of variations in geomagnetic reversal frequency, ratio in marine carbonate sediments, and drift velocity of the East European continent in the Paleozoic time indicates these quantities to be correlated and controlled by a general evolutionary process having a period of about 100 Ma. Surface effects of the Paleozoic activation periods of global tectonic-magmatic processes are likely to be related to the spreading activity in paleooceanic basins, an increase in the volume of newly formed oceanic crust, and the opening of new oceans. The Paleozoic stage of enhanced tectonic-magmatic activity at the Earth’s surface, accelerating the continental plate motion and decreasing the Sr in marine carbonate deposits of the Paleozoic, are preceded by quiet periods of the geomagnetic field, when its reversals are rare or totally absent during 40-60 Ma. The delay time of extremums in the plate velocity and Sr, associated with the tectonic-magmatic activation, amounts to about 28 Ma relative to the middle of a quiet geomagnetic field period.
The Urals is a Hercynian fold-nappe structure, have been resulted of the collision between the Baltia and Siberia continent. According to paleomagnetic data from ophiolites of the Polar Urals, paleooceanic basin was located at 8-14°S. The spreading zone had strike to the NNW direction. The present Northern margin of Siberia bordered the paleoocean from the East. Comprehensive geological and geophysical research in the west part of the Omolon massif and in the Sugoi folded zone suggests significant lateral displacements of these units relative to one another and with respect to the Siberian continent in Late Mesozoic time.
The data on changes in geomagnetic field reversals, intensity and direction, organisms, and velocities of continental plate movements during the last » 1700 m.y. are collected and analyzed. The following regularities were revealed: 1) long-term intervals of the steady field state with very rare reversals, spaced by 160-200 m.y. (a fractal dimension of about 0.9-1.0); 2) nearly chaotic field state, characterized by frequent reversals (a fractal dimension of 0.5-0.6); 3) in the first regime, the latitude dependence of variations in both intensity and direction are typical of dipole field, whereas in the second regime this dependence is different; 4) generally, the geomagnetic field exhibits no periodicity in its intensity, direction, and reversals throughout the Neogea: (a) in 95% cases, the "periods" consisted of only one or two oscillations, (b) oscillations of all geomagnetic elements with similar periods are commonly asynchronous, and (c) the "periods" often decrease or increase smoothly in time. The comparison of geomagnetic field pattern, on the one hand, and changes in the organic world and continental plate velocities, on the other hand, shows that either processes near the Earth's core and surface are synchronous (» 0± 10 my) or processes of the second group lag behind those of the first group (by 40± 20 my). The first case implies the presence of an "external" mechanism, the changes of the second group are due to an "internal" mechanism". The value of this lag corresponds to a velocity of 4-10 cm/yr (this is the velocity of energy transfer from the mantle bottom to the Earth's surface). This value is in accordance with mean velocities of continental plate movements. However, there is no causal relation between the aforementioned processes.
The evidence of an active paleosubduction zones absolute motions were obtained as a result of paleomagnetic investigations of the Eastern Kamchatka Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleocene (Kumroch Ridge) and Paleocene-Eocene (Kamchatsky Mys Peninsula) volcanics.
1. Bondarenko G. Ye., Didenko A.N. New Geological and Paleomagnetic data about Jurassic - Cretaceous history of the Omolon massif // Geotectonics, 1997, No. 2, p. 14-27 (in Russian).
2. Burlatskaya S.P. 1800-years variation in Caucasus in Middle Asia regions on the background of 8000-years geomagnetic field intensity variation. Physca Zemli, 1997, N11, 34-37.
3. Burlatskaya S.P. The specific features of spectrum of geomagnetic field variations in the region: Caucasus - Middle Asia. Physica Zemli, 1999a, N4, 41-43.
4. Burlatskaya S.P. About the reliability, the spectrum and the nature of archeosecular variations of ancient geomagnetic field intensity. Physica Zemli, 1999b, N9 (in press).
5. Didenko A.N. The 100-m.y. Variations in the Paleozoic and Implications for Core-Lithosphere Coupling // Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 1998, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 351-358.
6. Didenko A.N., Kurenkov S.A., Lubnina N.V., et al. Magnetic structure of the intrusive rocks of the Voikar-Syniya ophiolite massif: determination of a stress field // Urals: The Fundamental problems of Geodynamics and stratigraphy // Trydy GIN RAN, Vypusk 500, 1998, c. 42-59 (in Russian).
7. Lubnina N.V., Didenko A.N., Kurenkov S.A., Simonov V.A. Paleomagnetic and isotopic studies in the Polar Urals) // Pre-Variscan Terrane Analysis of “Gondwanan Europe”. Dresden. 1998. P. 162-163.
8. Nachasova I.E., Burakov K.S. Archaeomagnetic research on the territory of ancient Margiana // The International Assońiation for the study of Cultures of Central Asia, Information Bulletin, Jssue 19, Moscow, 1993, P.207-217.
9. Nachasova I., Burakov K.. The variations of geomagnetic field in Central Azia during the last two thousands years. The analisys of the world data. Geom.Aeron. 1995. V.36. No.6. P.150-157.
10. Nachasova I.E., Burakov K.S.. Archaeointensity of the geomagnetic field in the fifth millenium B.C. in nothern Mesopotamia//Geomagnetism and aeronomy, English translation. 1995.Vol.35. No 3.
11. Nachasova I., Burakov K..The westward drift of the geomagnetic field intensity for the last 4000 years. Annales Geophysicae. 1996. Part I. Suppl.I. V.14. P.125.
12. Nachasova I., Burakov K.. 8000-years variation of the geomagnetuc field intensity. Geom.Aeron. 1997. V.37.No.1. P.167.
13. Nachasova, I.E., Burakov, K.S., Variations of geomagnetic field intensity during the last 4000 years according the world data. DAN, 1997, T. 353, No. 2, P. 255-257 .
14. Nachasova I.E., Burakov K.S., Variations of the Geomagnetic Field Intensity in VI-V mil.B.C., Geom. Aeron., V. 38, No. 4, 1998, pp 125-130.
15. Pechersky D., Shapiro M., Sharonova Z. Palaeomagnetic study of the Eastern Kamchatka Cretaceous-Palaeocene island arc: new evidence concerning palaeosubduction zone absolute motion // Geophys. J.Int.,1997, v.130 p606-622
16. Pechersky D. Paleomagnetism of Neogea: the reflection of the processes near the Earth's core and surface// Electronic Russian J. Earth Sci.1998. http://eos.wdcb.rssi.ru/tje98008/tje98008
17. Pechersky D. Geomagnetic field, plates movement and orcanic world changes in Neagea // Electronic Russian J. Earth Sci.1998.
18. Petrova G.N., Pilipenko O.V. Innerregional and interregional correlation of paleointensity variations in late pleistocene. Physika Zemli (submitted), 1999.
19. Petrova G.N., Bakhmutov V.G., Burakov K.S., Didenko L.Yu. Geomagnetic field variation of torsion oscillation class 12-9 thousand years ago. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1997, v.353, N4, P. 539-541 (in Russian).
20. Petrova G.N., Bakhmutov V.G., Burakov K.S., Sharonova Z.V. Secular variation of torsion oscillation class 16-13 thousand years ago. Physica Zemli, 1998b, N5, P. 84-91 (in Russian).
21. Petrova G.N. The relation between magnetic moment of the Earth changes, excursions, secular variations of main spectrum and torsion oscillations. “Paleomagnetism and rockmagnetism”, Moscow, 1998a, P. 61-63 (in Russian)
22. Pospelova G.A., Petrova G.N., Sharonova Z.V. Geomagnetic field near and during excursions recorded in Yangiyul section (Uzbekistan). Physica Zemli, 1998, N5, P. 65-79 (in Russian).
23. Ruzhentsev S.V., Didenko A.N. Tectonics and Geodynamics of the Polar Urals // Tectonics and Geodynamics: global and regional aspects. Moscow: Geos pub., 1998. Vol. 2, p. 133-135 (in Russian).
24. Shapiro M., Pechersky D., Lander A. About velocities and directions of absolute mooving of subduction zones in the Earth history// Geotectonics, ą 2, 1997, P. 3-13 (in Russian).
25. Sokolov S.D., Didenko A.N., Grigor’ev V.N., et al. Paleotectonic reconstruction of the Northern-Eastern part of Russia: The problems and Uncertainty // Geotectonics, 1997, No. 6, p. 72-90 (in Russian).
Belokon: stmaster@dvgu.marine.su
Bronshtein: bred@itig.khabarovsk.su
Hurgaliev: Danis.Nourgaliev@ksu.ru
Molostovskii: stmaster@schit.saratov.su
Hramov: khramov@oloy.spb.su
Shapiro: seva@maglab.mplik.ru
Scherbakov: valera@borok.unigar.ac.ru